Beiträge: 14
Registriert am: 23.12.2003
geschrieben: 30.12.2003 16:04#
I need to change clutch in my Trabi, are there anyone that can describe how to do it in easy steps in English, I got a German book with the Trabi called "Wie helfe ich mir selbst- Trabant 601. If anybody have drawings how to do it would be hihgly appreaciated.
Otto Sykora
Beiträge: 397
Registriert am: 20.06.2002
geschrieben: 30.12.2003 17:14#
OK I will try to explain, but haveno picts at present. 1. Remove the big silencer/exhaust pot in front of the engine.2. disconnect cables to the sparkplughs and cable to the ignition and pull the ignition out of the ignition housing (at the right side of the crankshaft housing) note perhaps how it was connected all 3. disconnect the fuel supply hose from the carburator, dont lose the washers 4. if you have helpers and crane or similar then you can start with removing the engine here but if allone as I am for that work mostly 5. loosen the bolts holding the generator or dynamo in position so it can be lifted upwards 6. remove the metal belt around the ventilator or in the case of later models remove the nut fixing the ventilator to the engine body. After that you can tilt and remove the whole ventilator and the rubber belt 7. remove the generator or dynamo, disconnecting associated cables since here we have a cable going to the battery, it might be an idea to disconnect the battery before 8. disconnect the gas and choke cables from the carburator 9. disconnect the clutch cable from the metal leaver by unscrewing the special nut on it (dont loose it) 10. if trying to remove the engine allone, it is not very wrong to remove the carburator from the engine now too, can help to prevent smashing it when lifting the engine out of the car 11. if you want, you can remove all those black sheet metal parts around cylinders, it makes the work sometimes easy too 12. leave the car standing on its wheels! remove nuts on the front shock absorbers of the engine and gearbox leave the third nut on the aft shock absorber of the gerabox in position 13. disconnect cables of the starter and remove the starter after removing the two allen key bolts 14. slowly lift the engine /gearbox few cm up and then just about 2cm to the righ side of you when standing in front of the car 15. using some small pc of wood inserted between the gerabox and frame , support the connection flange between gearbox and engine 16. now you can start removing the bolts holding the engine and gearbox together. in this case it is better to remove the bottom bolts first 17. when coming to the last bolt on the top you have to be now careful to hold the engine somehow and not to tilt it, otherwise damage to the gearbox and other parts could happen. 18. pulling the engine now to the left (when standing in fron t of the car) will diconnect the engine from the gearbox and the engine can now be lifted up from the car. 19. the clutch can be seen now. it can be removed by uscrewing the 6 bolts on its edge. 20. clean now everything and place the replacement clutch in position and place the pressure body over it. Make sure the clutch is wel centered, this can be achieved by inserting some round item like handle of a screwdriver etc into the middle hole before tightening the 6 bolts 21. now whenn all clean and oil and fet free, proceed the opposite way to place the engine back an assemble all the rest as you did disassemble it first. I am sure I did forget something, others will give their comments for sure too. Just use common sense and if you think something is strange, then better ask here again.
Beiträge: 1.551
Registriert am: 26.11.1999
geschrieben: 30.12.2003 17:15#
Okay, Ill try it as easy as possible  First disassemble the ground cable from the battery. ( it could get very hot, working on the starter and generator with power on)  Then disassemble the v-belt, the starter and the generator. (You can left the cables on the generator, they are long enough to lay the generator on the ground disassemble the cables from the starter) Now open the ignition Box (Zündgehäuse) and disassemble the cables from the ignition system (write down the colors and the place where they have been) Disassemble the screws under the car where the engine and the gearbox are fitted with the frame of the car (Hilfsrahmen). Now take a car jack and put it under the middle of engine/gearbox, so that you can lift it up, about 3cm. After you liftet the unit, so that the screws are free, place the engine/gearbox to the right side (steering side) about 5 cm to get place for dismounting the engine. Now you can unmount the screws from the engine/gearbox which fits them together. After that, turn out the engine (ouch, my back) It is possible to do it alone  Now put the engine on the workbench and unmount all screws from the clutch. Take out the old clutch and fit in the new one. Take care, that the new clutch is fitted in the middle. Mount the screws and put the engine back in the car. The easiest way is to lift up the gearbox on the engine side about 5cm (see above) and put the engine nearly to it´s destination, so that it could not fall. Then set the left foot on the leaf spring (between fuel tank and engine) and the other in front of the car. Now grab the engine under you and put the engine carefully on the gearbox shaft (tricky) After that, mount the screws to fit engine/gearbox together. Then do all the things above backwards. The 1st time I did it, I needed about 4 hours. I wish You good luck and everything is possible! 
Beiträge: 1.551
Registriert am: 26.11.1999
geschrieben: 30.12.2003 17:16#
I forgot the exhaust system