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Das TRABI Diskussionsforum ARCHIV |
Beiträge: 9 |
MEZ. TRABANT SRAZ VRBNO u BLATNÉ 2005 ÈESKÁ REPUBLIKA Dobrý den . Nezapomeòte 9. MEZ.TRABANT SRAZ VRBNO u BLATNÉ se blíí 26. -28.8 2005 Ve na adrese - www.vzmotorsport.zde.cz nebo Pøihláku je mono si z táhnout z adresy a poslat ji vèas ( dle propozic ) vèetnì jídla a ubytování pokud máte zájem , pokud ne , pøihlásíte se a pøijedete v den konání , ale bez zajitìného jídla a ubytování ( vlastní stany a nebo co si koupíte u nás ve stánku ) Pro radu volat organizátora , ve se nechá zaøídit . Pro ty kteøí chtìjí pøiletìt je letitì ve TCHOØOVICÍCH u BLATNÉ asi 5km od campu. nìmecky +420607805382 Ich bitte um das Einschreiben ins Trabanttreffen Kalender 2005. Ich Pray for calendar trabant meeting 2005 . I want you invite on 9 vintage international trabant meeting Vrbno near Blatné 2005 of the day 26-28 August Czech Republic . Within a year 2005 on addresswww.vzmotorsport.here.cz will wo-members below the gangway . Thank you http://www.zavody.czweb.org Propositionen finden |
Trabi Strietzl
Beiträge: 3.045 |
Wo genau findet das Treffen denn statt? Ist es das in oder bei Pilsen? Eventuell werd ich da auch hinkommen. ![]() |
Beiträge: 1.194 |
Blatná liegt auf der Geraden zwischen Pilsen und Budweis, 23 km von Strakonice entfernt. Nach Pilsen sind es 60 km, nach Passau 130 km. Mit www.reiseplanung.de kannst Du Dir die Fahrtroute ermitteln. PLZ von Blatná bzw. Vrbno: 38801 [Bearbeitet von kat (23-06-2005 - 15:01)] |
Beiträge: 9 |
Beiträge: 384 |
Hmmmmm... Karte her! Darf man da auch ohne Trabi rein? Ich wohn nämlich im August ein paar hundert Meter von der tschechischen Grenze... |
Beiträge: 9 |
Don´t forget that the "9th international TRABI rally" is comming on... 26. - 28.8.2005 If you want to book accomodaton in bungalows (for 4 person) or order food is necessary to download application form (it can downloaded from below listed websites), fill it up an send it as at the latest up to 12th september (in accordance with propositions). Indeed you can sign on after you came here but with risk that you won´t get accomodation and so on (amount of beds is reduced). In this case you can sleep in tents (take your own) which can be built very close to the centre of events.There will be same "fast food" too so that you can buy something to eat. For case that some of you want to fly in : There is an airport (Tchorovice u Blatne) - in truth it is only old army runway where you can land. It is about 5km from the camp. Program: Friday 12:00 - 21:00 arrival and presence, 18:00 - 19:00 dinner, 19:30 gracefull drive (one TRABI after another ridden through the nature, villages, towns and so on - I hope you can understand it Saturday 6:00 - 7:00 continuance of presentation, 8:000 discussion with drivers, 9:00 ?????????, 11:00 - 12:00 lunch time, 13:00 ?????????, 17:00 gracefull drive, 18:00 - 19:00 dinner, and from 21:00 announcement of winners and TRABI disco Sunday 8:00 TRABI spare parts exchange, 11:00 lunch time, 13:00 gracefull drive and departure home.... For further informations you can call to following phone numbers: German +420607805382 English +420604783491 Czech +420608372585 http://www.vzmotorsport.zde.cz http://www.zavody.czweb.org/ Serie trabant yes ,